Wednesday 27 November 2013


Kejadian bencana alam seperti typhoon memang sering melanda negara jiran kita Philippines. Wife aku pernah citer pengalaman sorang Engineer masa buat installation and training kat sana.

"Weather is also not in our favour,as we encounter heavy rains everyday here and it has effects us on transportation and resources of supplies and materials. The worst thing is on Friday, Typhoon (signal 2/ max wind velocity 150km/hr) was here for more than 24 hours non-stop raining. It damage nearly all entire village nearby the city and Iloilo was in black out since their transformers was blown up. Airlines has been cancelled and floaded everywhere. (We was in the workshop during the storm, and trust me, I don't want to do it again)" Antara petikan email yang wife aku terima pada 23 Jun 2008.

Kini Typhoon melanda lagi di Philippines. Wife aku turut menerima update daripada client dorang di sana on 18 November 2013 " Sorry for the late reply, we have just spent our time helping for the ones affected by the Typhoon Haiyan."

Taufan Haiyan yang terkuat di dunia landa Filipina


IMEJ diambil oleh Agensi Meteorologi Jepun (MTSAT) menunjukkan Taufan Haiyan yang turut membawa puting beliung terkuat di dunia tahun ini, mula membadai Filipina, awal pagi ini dengan kelajuan angin sehingga 275 kilometer sejam. Pihak berkuasa mengarahkan pengangkutan udara dan laut menangguhkan semua operasi hari ini. - Foto AFP

MANILA: Taufan Haiyan yang turut membawa puting beliung terkuat di dunia tahun ini, mula membadai Filipina awal pagi ini dengan kelajuan angin sehingga 275 kilometer sejam, demikian menurut agensi perkhidmatan kaji cuaca.

Haiyan yang bermula di Pulau Samar, kira-kira 600 kilometer di barat daya Manila, membadai di pesisir pantai Guiuan jam 4.40 pagi tadi waktu tempatan, demikian menurut pegawai kaji cuaca Romeo Cajulis. 



Sumber :
Distribute Your Relief for Typhoon Haiyan

It’s been two weeks since the Haiyan Typhoon barrelled into the Philippines on the 8th of November but the search for bodies continues. This monster typhoon has injured over 20,000 people and over 1,600 people were reported missing up to date. More than 800, 000 people had been asked to leave their homes – that do not exist anymore as a result to the catastrophic disaster. The death toll has spiked to 5,235 and the list just keeps getting longer.

                                                                 Picture credits  - CNN

Our hearts go out to all the victims and their families and we hope that you guys will join us and help those in need. Nuffnang will be running a regional donation drive to raise funds for the Typhoon relief work in Phillipines from the 25th November to 22nd December. During the whole month, we urgently appeal you guys to contribute to this emergency, life-saving effort.

Picture Credit CNN
From now till 22 December 2013, you can do your part and contribute to our fund #NNforPH in just a few simple steps, by donating either a portion of your Nuffnang earning, or via Paypal :-

1. Head over to your Nuffnang dashboard and look for this image below OR click here
2. Choose the denomination you would like to donate for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. The options are: RM5, RM10, RM25 and RM50. Kindly be reminded to tick the box if you would like to donate anonymously. (We will be featuring the names of all the donors at the end of this campaign, in recognition of your generosity).

2. Choose the denomination you would like to donate for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. The options are: RM5, RM10, RM25 and RM50. Kindly be reminded to tick the box if you would like to donate anonymously. (We will be featuring the names of all the donors at the end of this campaign, in recognition of your generosity).


3. You will receive a confirmation email.

4. The amount of your donation will then be deducted from your current earnings.
The collection period for this donation drive is from the 25th of November to the 22nd of December 2013, after which we will donate the total amount raised to Red Cross Philippines. So guys, with just RM5, you might be saving a life or helping out a needy family. We urgently appeal for your help so that we can respond to the needs of the victims and their families most affected by this calamity. Be a part of this good cause and join our effort of relief for the victims of the Typhoon Haiyan. We thank you guys in advance for you generosity!



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